
1st story book

hmm.. its funny when u hear that i din really read a story book b4..
i means is that thicky love story or magical friendship story book thingy..XD
i saw my friend reading all types of story book..
but i din have any in my LIFE! YET~!
i never finish a story book b4..
im feel lik im a failer...
so i think to lend one of the story book from my classmates..
i chooce english story book..
bcs i lik it.. i always wish to read finish an english story book..=P
so did i do it!
i read finish within 2 DAYS!~
thicky one..
thick one..
yohoo.. im was so happy that i would " show off" to tell ppl bout i had finish a story book in my life just once..=.=!
silly right?

cant blame me i have so lazy attitude n never read story book b4..
n i felt nice to read story book..
its interesting... imagine the charactier..=)
so.. that all 4 now..XD