





他带我去吃冰 XD

我一个人在 USM 等他一小时多。。。T。T 我还蛮厉害的。。。。


1st story book

hmm.. its funny when u hear that i din really read a story book b4..
i means is that thicky love story or magical friendship story book thingy..XD
i saw my friend reading all types of story book..
but i din have any in my LIFE! YET~!
i never finish a story book b4..
im feel lik im a failer...
so i think to lend one of the story book from my classmates..
i chooce english story book..
bcs i lik it.. i always wish to read finish an english story book..=P
so did i do it!
i read finish within 2 DAYS!~
thicky one..
thick one..
yohoo.. im was so happy that i would " show off" to tell ppl bout i had finish a story book in my life just once..=.=!
silly right?

cant blame me i have so lazy attitude n never read story book b4..
n i felt nice to read story book..
its interesting... imagine the charactier..=)
so.. that all 4 now..XD



when i went to school...
i try to bluff ppl.. or ply wif them...
but.. dunno y.. feel something not right..
mayb too long din lie to ppl..>so lieing making me uncomfortable..
but when my friend come to class.. everyone started flooying each other..
i started my APRIL FOOL..^.^
every teacher get trick by me..=D
feel so happy..
got one teacher more funny..
i say .. "teacher ur hand there got ink eh.. " thn she keep looking.. thn i point 4 her.. she say wer..?wer?? got mei? hahaa!!! "
funny la!!!

thn after recess...
i ply something "serious" infront of my friend..
i act that i FAINTED at the classroom..
at first .. no ppl dare believe that i fainted..
they all stand there n look at me..T.T..
that time.. i nearly LAUGH...
but.. i keep acting... n lying on the floor..
then they all take it as real....
thn i jump n say...APRIL FOOL!!!
bust it!!!
u all get trick by me^^!!!
OUCH!!!OUCH!!!OUCH!!!( let them beat)
pain eh...T.T
just kno that ply APRIL FOOL will get beat from them eh..=P
but its really fun!!!
n i still ply tricks wif my school boy prefect..
they look dumb dumb eh..
say ur button open liao.. they also will go c .. n touch.. n slow reaction look at me.. =.=!!!
got one more funny!!!
i say.. " hey.. ur zip din zip eh.. c tio liao... (act paiseh at there, i mean me..)
thn he act cool.. n look at his pants.. n din do any reaction..
thn i say APRIL FOOL..
thn i kno when he walk away.. he got check again.. izit true that his zip WAS UNZIP??!!!! hahaha!!!!
laugh die me la!!!!
just scare ply by others..=)!!!
but any way.. this year is the most funny moment i never had...
n prove that my acting skill is PRO!xd



when i reach the taman.. (ps: forgotten wat the taman name)={
we tot that today will b a sunny day after yesterday raining none stop..
so we all v exited when we went there..
bcs it is our last year attend this running comp..=D
but unluckily.. it rain!!!
OMG... v cold..
n we cant take any umbrella wif us when we run..
so .... NO CHOICE..
we stand in the heavy rain..
waiting to start our RUN...
we at there ...talk~ talk~ talk~~...
tot that i was'nt going to run bcs its rain..
POOM....start jor.. WE ALL ALSO DUNNO..=.=
i saw everyone edi run till v far away jor..
thn dunno y... i run lik a DASH!!!
plooshhhh!!~~~~ wooppssss!!!~~~~
just realise that i am number 6 in the first round..
when the second round i run... i totally no energy..
bcs its v cold... n the air is cold all RIGHT!!!
cant even breath..
keep use mouth to control my breathing..
keep wipe my eye...
just kno that it v cold...(lik a movie call 跑吧,孩子!!)
that time i kno that i cant gib up even though i really exhuasted...
i try my best rush to the finish line..
but OH MY GOSH!! my pant suddenly.. lose... n i din realise it..=.=! embarrasing eh!!
luckuly no one saw it..
so i grabe my pant n RUN TO THE FINISH line...!!!
yeah! i get NUMBER 9!!! better thn no price..^.^
but i fainted... lie on a student body.. n i stop breathing at that moment...
just feel that i have no energy.. n lose all feeling on my body..
my leg is out of energy..
MAYB ITS THE RAIN+ body temperature is hot.. + cold weather...
so my leg just freeze lik a chicky!!
cant move at all..
i was worry that i cant move from now on..
but i try to move.. after 15 MINIT.. i finally got some energy to talk..
PHIEW!!! thanks god!!
my leg move!!!
its really quite an experience to do such crazy things..
my friend said that... wow... we finally c ur 狼狈的样子了!!!
its special..=P




now adays ppl keep in relationship..
y u use keep to discribe a relationship??..
is just wan to show that ppl step into a relationship.. without any reason..
love a person is without any reason..
but that not the point!
wat i wanted to say is that ppl not bcs of love... not bcs of feel.. not bcs knowing each other deep... not bcs of anything..
to bcome a something!!!
wat funny it is.. ???
to hear a person say that.. " i also dunno y i have in relationship wif that person"
fuck off!!!
don bcs of ppl have..
everyone try to follow it...
this not love means!~

making that LOVE bcome meaningless...!~
bcome priceless....
bcome cheapless.......
oh my gosh!
now ppl take relationship unserious... unresponsible..
ppl just bcs of lonelyness.. or bcs of need a person to talk to... straigh take ppl as a gf or a bf...
wat such things it is????.....

don take LOVE as a "online game"
u can gib up when u bored...
u can gib up when ever u lik....
sry dude... if u think this kind of way!
pls step far away from the LOVE WORLD!
"U" poluted everything of love!!!~~~

just think b4 u do....
no one cant live without love..
not only love gib eveything to life...
think bout it!!!~


something ; nothing

i finish my holiday...
bye bye....
HELO to uniform day....AGAIN...
as usual..
we all have our exam result..
a horragious thing happend...
i have the worse sesult english result in my life!!!
WTF... 40??!!!!!
hahahaha... u must b jokking right???
i kno my standard is not that bad ..
after all.. i always dun not so bad in the english exam.. the less is 50 +..
how could i get 40??... n is v bad...
mayb my essay is really that bad...
or mayb the teacher marking skills is that WORSE...=P
" encourage myself><"
hmm.. is past... failed also failed... it cant change anything....

much thing happend this few days...
dunno y.. i keep forget to bring things...
worse is that i forget to bring my home key.. when my parents went to out station!!
OMG... my key is in my tt bag... gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
slp over night in my cousin house...
the next day in the evening just went back my precious home..T.T...
miss my home so much..
n kno that how much important is the key!~...
hiew.. everything have pass....
wish to b better from now on...XD
gain greater....
aim higher....
n BCOME better!!!

if u need need something.. u will have it..
if u think of nothing.. thn b it.. u wont b have anything..XD
