

somehow i feel that i lost half of my confidence..

in myself..

in my relationship

in my everything...

it making me tired...

it making me suffer..

it making me hurt....

ill.. enough to let it break easily wif just a touch..

it hard to replace..

just lik a glasses..

it can make it back.. but the broken piece sure will b there..

i hope that my heart is make of rubber.. it wont lose even u pull it wif ur all of energy.. in the end it will bcome the way it was..

however.. 2 years.. i edi put down..

just somehow his reaction making me have that sour feel...

y y...y...

so many y"s...

i wanna to ask him ...

when will the answer appears?

mayb this whole life.. i wont ever kno..

bcs he keep hiding from me.. i duno y..

one more Y"


i just wan to kno..

let me put down 101% pls!~

don so cruel to me.. if u really wan me to let itgo..

let me let it go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


i beg u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i need to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate u.... but i love u more to cover the hate!

i just wan to kno the things i wan to kno..

i don wan let it bcome my YI HAN in my whole life....

my life have no true love when the day u leave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


y u do it to me!!!

im not.....strong enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just wish to have a normal simple life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that all i wan...

tears... edi too hard to let it drop.. bcs it hurt too deep to let it b...

but now it drop....

means that.. the tears edi keep too full 4 cant hiding it..

i surrender!!!!!!!!!

let me free..

that all i need



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