

hmm... v long din update my bloggie jor..XD
miss bloggie~

finally finish my first term exam...
wow... exhausted!~
i tot i cant stand 4 this exam week..
halfly giving up during the preparation..
so much to memories.. so much to study..>it just making me headache.. while i taking up the book..
i got gib up some subject.. bcs is too tired 4 me to study so many in a day..>
well!~ finally over..
mamamiya!~ the day i have waiting so long have come
this holiday wont going to shoping mall..
suggest to go near the nature..
seem when i din go 4 a walk in the park...
wif the smell of fresh air.... sound of the insect...
the green tree...
so relax...
i went to U -PARK... wif my PINK FAMILY...=D
we have a lot of fun actually..
just kno that not money can buy anything.. just lik nature..^.^

wednesday gonna go to paradise beach 4 celebrating my friend birthday..
cant wait 4 the day...=P
hmm... this year present i wish to get is a camera actually...
but it seem to b hard to have dream come true..
barget too high...
n my mum don wan buy me one..T.T
my camera still can use actually..
but it got a big problem while i taking photo..
can say 80% spoil jor..
so i cant enjoy shooting pic..>erritating actually.. hahaha!~
nvm la...

wait next year i keep money n buy 1 4 myself...
pity T.T...
