

form 5 jor!~
wah... time past v fast thn i imagine it is..
i still remember when i was young..
i keep imagine when i grow up wat would i b..
wat look i have?
have a long hair... wif big eyes... tall... nice.. charming.. n a farry tales princess that i love bside my side..
i keep asking my parents..
mummy..daddy!!.. if future no ppl love me how wor???...
will i pretty as u mum?
will i b as smart as u daddy??..
my parents just laugh at me..
they say u stay at home also got ppl come ur house say I LOVE U..
i say really?? will he kiss me?? er.. kiss will pregnant???!!!==
im so 单纯~><"
now when i think back those thing.. i feel i am happy to b young..
no pressure.. no worryness..
always asking n imagine future will b lik farry tales story..
thing not lik the things i think bout..
i feel pressure when i in form 5 now..
worry bout future.. work.. education..
i feel headache..
keep thinking if i failed ... how?
think bout if i choose wrong future road.. how?
many many many!!!!!=(
izit i think too much bout it?
its just boom out!~
im a 冲动,开朗,心软,容易被人欺骗和利用的女孩~
always let ppl bluff.. once n once..
especially boys..
so now making me feel that i cant trust a boy easily..
im not the princess that i imagine i wish to b..
i just lik a cinderella that lose her shoe n it was never been found ~
everything change...
this call 社会的残酷~现实~!
just hope my dreams do come true..


  1. is fairy tales.

    don't let your negative thoughts trouble you,
    you need to believe in your effort,
    and keep work hard toward your target.

    ur worry let me think about
    Princess Rapunzel and the thief Flynn Rider.
    Eugene will never betray Rapunzel. ^^

  2. hmm.. thanks 4 the surport..=)
    n thanks 4 always viewing my blog..=D
    although i dunno who r u..

  3. 傻公主,abyzz 是我啦!
