

when i reach the taman.. (ps: forgotten wat the taman name)={
we tot that today will b a sunny day after yesterday raining none stop..
so we all v exited when we went there..
bcs it is our last year attend this running comp..=D
but unluckily.. it rain!!!
OMG... v cold..
n we cant take any umbrella wif us when we run..
so .... NO CHOICE..
we stand in the heavy rain..
waiting to start our RUN...
we at there ...talk~ talk~ talk~~...
tot that i was'nt going to run bcs its rain..
POOM....start jor.. WE ALL ALSO DUNNO..=.=
i saw everyone edi run till v far away jor..
thn dunno y... i run lik a DASH!!!
plooshhhh!!~~~~ wooppssss!!!~~~~
just realise that i am number 6 in the first round..
when the second round i run... i totally no energy..
bcs its v cold... n the air is cold all RIGHT!!!
cant even breath..
keep use mouth to control my breathing..
keep wipe my eye...
just kno that it v cold...(lik a movie call 跑吧,孩子!!)
that time i kno that i cant gib up even though i really exhuasted...
i try my best rush to the finish line..
but OH MY GOSH!! my pant suddenly.. lose... n i din realise it..=.=! embarrasing eh!!
luckuly no one saw it..
so i grabe my pant n RUN TO THE FINISH line...!!!
yeah! i get NUMBER 9!!! better thn no price..^.^
but i fainted... lie on a student body.. n i stop breathing at that moment...
just feel that i have no energy.. n lose all feeling on my body..
my leg is out of energy..
MAYB ITS THE RAIN+ body temperature is hot.. + cold weather...
so my leg just freeze lik a chicky!!
cant move at all..
i was worry that i cant move from now on..
but i try to move.. after 15 MINIT.. i finally got some energy to talk..
PHIEW!!! thanks god!!
my leg move!!!
its really quite an experience to do such crazy things..
my friend said that... wow... we finally c ur 狼狈的样子了!!!
its special..=P



  1. haha, faint is bcos the weather mah~
    not ur fault =)
    luckily ur pants no drop,
    that would be really paiseh XD

  2. hahaha.. i just kno v funny nia!!! hahaha....
    ppl behind mayb kno my pant gonna drop..=.=

  3. nvm, ppl behind can c dio ur face XD
