

yesterday night...
i dunno wat am i doing...
i never so straight to boys b4...
but yesterday.. i dunno wat happend to me.. i said something to him..
i dunno im drunk or wat? i just kno that ..that time i totally v clear wat am i doing...
i tot that i just simply said that i JUST PRETEND TILL U FIND TIO A REAL ONE
but dunno is his serious.. making me serious?
or i totally duno that i edi fall in him?
the feeling i din hav v long ago..
i just kno that when he start serious talking that to me..
my tears... just keep droping down..
i control n say i cant cry..
but it just drop..
i cant find the reason y i cry...
i dunno...
or mayb i really do need him.. but just i din realise it??
i really blur..=(
that time i went to bed
my tears just keep dropping down.. nearly one hour..
i think clearly just kno that i mayb do love him..
he is the second person let me hav unreasonrable to cry..
n i think tio my other "k" bro..
he is the first one i fall in love wif..
but i never say it out..
bcs i kno that we wont have happy ending.. mayb happy starting also wont ..
bcs he small me one age..
i just kno that everytime i saw him or b wif him.. i feel v comfortable..
v warm...
this secrete i kept it till now.. i love him almost 3 years time..
but i din told him..
he mayb lik me b4.. but i din ask him..
he mayb kno i love him too..
just we din say it out.. mayb he n i hav the same thinking..
say it out also din have happy ending..
so prefer kept in heart..
i din regret i choose thos desision 4 din telling him that i love him..
bcs i lik the feeling ... the distance we have.. is unlimited..
he take me as his sis..
i take him as my bro..
i wont scare i will hurt him.. or wat..
i just kno that he will always right there 4 me..
mayb now.. other him..will b the same..
i wont feel unhappy bcs of cant b togehter wif him..
bcs he is not same country wif me..
yea.. we cant last that long..
i just only hope that he will come find me one day.. that all i hope 4..
bcs i mayb get use to it..
or mayb i just pretend to get use to it..
is good too ..
brother sister have no worries.... better thn relationship..
i just wan a simply relationship.. wif the one i love..
but i not dare to say out if i love a person..
i just will keep in heart.. help him the best i can..
yea.. just stop here..
i just wan b lik last time ...
can happy talking wif u..=D
that all..XD

by ZT

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