
wonderful X"mas

i have a wonderful amazing christmas wif my Pink Family..

they just lik my second family..


my friend set a topic as LADY in the silent night party..

i so headache bout this topic bcs i always let ppl say that i look just lik a GINA..==

so... i think n think..


i wear my new year dress.. new year shoe..


new year i have no new dress jorT.T

but i still v happy..

when i reach my friend house..

they all get shock bout my out fit..


n i happy 4 it that they lik it..

bcs i was worrying that they don lik it..

bcs i think almost 1 week.. to think wat i gonna wear..


they say wow.. mature jor..


i feel happy that i succes to bcome a lady one night..


we wait our friend to finish working..

b4 that.. i n my friend go walk walk.. (shopping)


my leg so pain.. bcs i wear high heel..

not v high also..=P


after that... we all gather together.. to go out waiting 4 christmas COUNT DOWN..wootS!~~~

when we go out.. i just hear many HON sound..





me n my pink famiy have a lot of fun.. keep laughing.. n keep joking...


spoil image only..><"

we kepo c ppl tio cath by police.. thn we run!~


so fun geh...

this is my first time celebrate X"mas..

the christmas end..

but the person i wait still din't come meet me..

i wait whole day.. just wanna to meet him..

i stand under the MAO MAO rain..

waiting n wait..!~

but he din come.. my friend just told me.. lets go eat..

that time i feel v down..

bcs i tot i can meet him..

but no..

just feel dissapointed..T.T

after that i walk to MCD...

eat.. my friend treat me eat.. bcs they kno im moody...

but i just keep smiling.. i don wish my friend unhappy bcs of me..

my friend told me that i am a STRONG girl..

but actually i just act to b...

hmm.. but have my friend bside me.. i edi v HAPPY..

muacks~ thanks guys!~LENG LUI!~


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