

i always tot that im strong to handle things properly through myself...
homework.. still fine..
family... still can handle...
friends... still can stabble..
love... sit quitely think clearly.. just kno that is not that easy 4 me...

now a day ppl take relationship unseriously...
tenagers just wan to have fun... or just bcs of lonelyness just find a partner to replace their emotional...
not bcs of partner just feel lonely...
making this love v unresponsible...
n making it v v unpriceless...

saying ppl... i think back myself through out this few year that i was in relationship..
tell ppl.. ppl mayb feel envy bout me..
but when i tell ppl.. i din feel proud of it that.. i have many bf.. or bla bla bla..
bcs so many bf... 80% is not long term... 70% is treat me not serious in it...
50 % betray ...
n making 100% sadness....
to who...?... to myself...

i just will envy ppl that those who have just 1 relationship.. that is last long.. even not forever.. but still have the journey within two person...this just call love...

think... i edi 4 month din in a relationship jor...
it can say is my first time stay single so long ...
shocked?... pls dont..
many ppl don believe that im single..
ntg is unposible...
dunno is i mature...
or im lack of confidence in relationship..

mayb is my mature tell me that relationship will hurt me v bad...
so i hide from it?
or mayb is my mature wan me to find a good guy n stay him forever...
or mayb im tired of it...?

somehow i kno a person....
can say nice...
somehow lik "the" person..
but.. he is greatter..

n nicer...
y everytime when i wan love a person i need take "the " person to compare?..mayb between every guy i be wif b4.. he treat me the most good one?

but dunno y start from someday.. (i dunno when)
i start to din use "him" to compare to other ppl..
i start to follow my heart...
v ngam also d..
got think bout it....
but some thing comes...
i scare bout it again..
if some day he don wan me.. how?
if ... if.. if.. many if coming out from my mind...
y i bcome so unconfidence to myself...
heart make me lik this..
too many YIN YING keep surrounding by me.. although i edi think wide...

bcs when i really choose to love a person.. i really will think many bout it........
mayb i have one year to try...
or mayb not..
this need c god....
need c our YUAN FEN ba...

come on girl.. just think that u can.. u sure can make it...
b urelf...
b who u r..
everything will b all right...
(eat ice cream=P..hmm... delicious... )
ENJOYING...( hope i ill find back the Zing i kno)


today i attend poem competition..
although i get 3rd place... din better thn previous year.. but i am happy thn b4 when i get 1st places...
bcs i have my friend at there support me...
they also gib me a card b4 i go 4 competition..
thanks guys!!!
i love u all...

n today we discuss our future life..
we say bout who will marry first in this PINK family..
my friend din vote me.. =P
who will b the last one marry
my friend din vote me..
who will have a MAN husband?( means v rich, good in career, love wife... n etc)
same.. my friend din vote me.. got.. got.. got 1...

in the same time.. i think bout my future too..
between my friend n i..
will i have a good husband that i wish to have..?..
will i have a wonderful family?...
will my husband love me 4 ever?..
we still discuss.. who will divorce earlier?==!!!!
that time i scare... growup.. really have many thing to headache wif..
we girl if bcome old how?...
will husand still love us?...
we need always upgrade our self.. 4 let our love once feel that we r fresh..

hmm... let it b natural la..aiyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



dunno wat happend to me..
my continuoes mistake making me v "pek cek"
not actually the person wrong..
is mine..
but i was pek cek that time..
in that time.. i try to control my temper 4 not making things worse..
even though i wanted to cry at that time..
bcs i edi din have enough time..
but i keep doing kistake.. n need redo n redo again...
how i got the time to do it???!!!
i v v v pressure n stresss.....
but that time i just can keep myself calm.. n smile all the way long...

lik..... no one kno bout my feeling..
i kno i was wrong bout blaming ...
but i just wan to push out my emotion.. but lik no one care bout me...
so.. i now just can sit infront the com writting blog.. n express my own pressure..
crying out quitely...
i feel that i v lonely...=(
wat more i can do...?
pls.. guide me...



a day...

a rainyday..

i sit down near the window...

n suddenly think bout myself...

just kno that im a impetuous person...

my impetuous attitude harming myself throughout my life...

i just realise it..

not now..

when "the day... the time..the minit.. in that second"

i just kno it...

it harm me so bad...

it make my regret due to my disicion...


i hate my IMPETUOES...!!!

i do many wrong disicion n conclusion..within my impetuous..=X

i kno i have this "stupid" attitude..

but i just cant control making wrong mistake again.. n again..

it making me "fedap"

i lose it one time..

i don wish that i lose it the second time...





will u hate me if i too straight?..


will u hate me if i give my suggestion n i feel is totally right?...


will u hate me if somehow i hurting u in the way i din realise it?...


will u blame me?...


will u leave me alone if i have such terrible attitude?...


will u b by my side..?


will u love my inperfect?...













帮助我们很多... 我们的好与坏...


但人终终把"他" 逃避....

那些总是夸奖你...捧你....句句"拍马屁" 的话...的确好听多了....

但... 别被这些"甜言密语" 迷去.....











hmm...today is valentine...

dunno y.. i feel exited wif this year valentine although i am single..

single... so wat?..still can have a better life thn a relation life right?

however i got feel bit memperLONELYkan diri sendiri in house...

i have do a hand-made cvalentine card 4 myself..

erm... actually.. i got think to gib it to someone..

but... i choose to keep it to myself..

this card is 4 him.. how long this card also will blong to him.

if we got 缘 this card will b handed in his hand.. by my own hand..

this will let me feel more comfortable..

n mempersiokan diri 4 a moment also siok mar...XD

i use my effort to do this card.. n its a special card.. that cant find in anywer..

bcs is made by ZING...=P

i am v selfish person... i keep it 4 myself...^.^....

don blame me la... ><~~~~


blame him not bside me lo..

let him memperthinkkan saya mia card...yohoo!!~~

i tio can memperhaolankan diri...=D

kakakaa.. who knose wat i talking about?

means that u understand me deep enough..=D

today.. although no bf...

i also feel that i have a wonderful time..

especially in drama club..

teacher let us do many activities.. n i mostly win every round..^.^...

i feel im memperproudkan diri lo!!!~~~XD


but i memeperlonelykan diri when i taking bus the way home...T.T....

imagine that one day.. a boy fetch me back home...

sure not find a boy to fetch la.. who wan? i don wan lo..^.^

sure is the person i love..

i white king horse...XD

wah... how long jor.. no ppl fetch me home from school?

FORM5 jor.. single..hmm.. izit i memper失败kan diri 4 din having a bf?

or i bcome mature kno how to think jor???


n i lik use to it in my single life..

mayb having u company me gua...

ok ok!!! its too long 4 u to read.. stop here ba.. i have to get some rest... 4 my valentine day! muacks!!! 4 u all.. my kiss..(^@^)


hurt u so bad..


i dunno y..

mayb is 天注定...

to tell u the truth...

i dunno y.. i just kno that u treat me v good..

i have no other reason that make me wan to lie to u...

even sometime i din say.. u also will kno that wat i thinking..

so if i still keep it as a secret from u..

i will feel i guilty..

i panic.. i nervours.. i lik jumping down from 50 floor..

when i say it..

my tears drop..

i kno.. if i say.. u wont talk to me again.. or even more worse..

but i choose to say it..

i dare to b...

bcs i care bout u..

ur feeling..

im wrong 4 the past..

n i willing to let it b over from today onwards..

i kno is hard 4 u to accept it..

n sry that i spoil ur dream maiden...

i was not the perfect one 4 u..

sometime i feel that u not worth to treat me this way.. that good..

but when i choose to tell u.. u choose to say.. NVM..

but i kno ur heart... is hurting...

no one can accept it in a short time..

if u regret wat u had say to me..

just tell me..

i will let u go..=)

i can move on by myself.. as usual.. i always did ...

if u really choose to wait...

i really really.. appriciate it much...=)




din update my blog a short time jor..

i was busying wif my new year..^.^

i have a great new year this year...

but not great as last year.. i feel?o.0?

hmm.. yea.. not so good..

this year school holiday is too short 4 me to enjoy my precious new year..XD

erm.. same as last year.. i sure will go watch movie wif my "movie buddy" my mummy=P


(some pic i share wif u all)hope u all lik it..



new year..

happy chinese new year to everyone..
have a great 2011..
rabbit year...XD
good luck..
hope u all enjoy new year..