

today i attend poem competition..
although i get 3rd place... din better thn previous year.. but i am happy thn b4 when i get 1st places...
bcs i have my friend at there support me...
they also gib me a card b4 i go 4 competition..
thanks guys!!!
i love u all...

n today we discuss our future life..
we say bout who will marry first in this PINK family..
my friend din vote me.. =P
who will b the last one marry
my friend din vote me..
who will have a MAN husband?( means v rich, good in career, love wife... n etc)
same.. my friend din vote me.. got.. got.. got 1...

in the same time.. i think bout my future too..
between my friend n i..
will i have a good husband that i wish to have..?..
will i have a wonderful family?...
will my husband love me 4 ever?..
we still discuss.. who will divorce earlier?==!!!!
that time i scare... growup.. really have many thing to headache wif..
we girl if bcome old how?...
will husand still love us?...
we need always upgrade our self.. 4 let our love once feel that we r fresh..

hmm... let it b natural la..aiyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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